Welcome to the TAUStratego homepage!

Here you can run and download the required software components for playing TAUStratego and for establishing a server for the game.
Feel free to contribute to the project any time!

Watch our instructional video, a comprehensive perspective of the software, and life really.

In order to play TAUStratego use one of the following options:

- Play online using an executable JAR file: [run] [download]

- Download an Eclipse plugin: [download]
Note: don't forget to put it under the Eclipse plugin directory

- Download the RCP version of the game: [download]
How to use: unpack it and run eclipse.exe

Enjoy the game!

We regret to inform that the beta testing is now official over,
our project was not picked up by any investors hence we had to close the gaming server

In order to establish a TAUStratego server:

- Download and install xAMPP: [xAMPP home page]

- Start MySQL using the xAMPP control panel

- Establish the DB using this executable JAR file: [run] [download]

- Run the server using the following executable JAR file: [run] [download]

- If you want to demolish the user DB, after closing the server application, please use the following executable JAR file: [run] [download]

Good luck!